Fediverse Logo

The XXXiverse

A home for XXX in the Fediverse

Access to the whole Fediverse from every angle. Find what type of Social Media you prefer.

Mastodon Icon


A federated Twitter alternative.

Lemmy Icon


The Fediverse version of Reddit. Share links/images/videos to existing NSFW Communities (Subreddits), or create your own.

Premium for Creators

Connect with your fans, and never worry about getting kicked off.

Creator Support

Fediverse instances catered towards your needs, customized to help you connect with your fans, with paid support.

LinkStack Icon


An alternative to linktr.ee, a permanent home for your links on the web. e.g xxxiver.se/@sir

...And More

Access to a private wiki, forums, and the opportunity to request new features to help you build your brand and business.

Supported by Hostiver.se. Please donate to support ad-free social media, even $1 a month ensures you aren't a mooch.

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